5-6 October 2024

Kindness, fun and passion. These are the three words that define best LOZ OPEN RIDE, an international longboard dancing/freestyle competition hosted by BOARDU in Switzerland.

What is LOZ ?

LOZ OPEN RIDE is a longboard dancing & freestyle competition inside Halle 13, in Lausanne Switzerland.

The first edition ever took place in 2022 and the second edition in 2023, but it already seems like too long ago… don’t you think ?

Oh and this event is organized by BOARDU, a local association that wants to promote this emerging sport in our small country.

For more info day by day, follow us on Instagram @lozopenride

More about BOARDU ?

BOARDU is a non-profit association. Our goal is to professionalize the sport of longboard dancing/freestyle and have fun of course!

We currently have around thirty members of various ages and are one of the only two associations (with LGC Switzerland) to represent this discipline in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

Planning on coming to Lausanne shortly ? Come and say hi ! We promise, we don’t bite. 

Pssst, we meet up every Sunday for our beloved Docksession Lausanne (follow us on Instagram! @docksessionlsn) by the lake or in our indoor venue HALLE 13. The crew also organizes other small events like Homesesh to discover new spots in different swiss cities and bring together members of the longboard community.  

For more info about BOARDU, follow us on Instagram @boardu.ch

About the first edition ?

In 2022, the first edition of this longboard dancing/freestyle competition was a real success, beyond our expectations ! In total, 62 people participated to the competition, ~350 people came over with the sole purpose of watching the show and supporting their friends.

At the end of this amazing week-end everyone was overwhelmed by the love shared around this passion that we all have in common.

What else could we ask for ? For a third edition as mezmerizing as the first and second one of course ! Who’s in ?

Goals for LOZ 2024 ?

Wow. Make it to the Olympics ? Just kidding, let’s wait a few more years for that. 

After the success of LOZ OPEN RIDE’s 1st & 2nd edition, we dream of bringing together the longboard dancing/freestyle scene in Lausanne-Switzerland. Why ? To enjoy once again this shared passion of ours and have even more fun ! 

Not to forget : we may have some small surprises… wait and see.



Judging System

As per the first edition of LOZ OPEN RIDE, the judging system will once again be that of ILDFF (International Longboard Dance & Feestyle Federation), an independant governing body for this sport with many noble and motivating goals. Check them out : ildff.com.


To finalize the scores per run a flow factor will be applied to an athlete’s run.

It is based on how well the competitor
puts a run together and rewards or sanctions the smoothness of transitions between tricks and combos.

The flow factor is a judge’s opportunity to appreciate remarkable runs in terms of flow of the performance.


The athlete should maintain control throughout the whole run.

The athlete should performe tricks with minimal insecurities and instabilities.

How difficult certain tricks and steps
are is taken into account while scoring this category.


A run should be balanced between
dance steps, tricks, manuals and innovative moves.

An athlete should mix up his run in a harmonious way.

Not mixing up the run will result in a lower score in this category.


This is subjective and can be defined as a display of the mastery of the individual tricks executed.
Aesthetics and personal expression define an athletes’ run.


The ability to land tricks, sequences,
or lines without bailing and maintaining full control during the whole
run of the athlete. At the beginning
of each run the consistency score is set to 10.

LOZ Judges for 2024

Meet Our Judges

We are thrilled to unveil the esteemed panel of judges who will be gracing our event with their expertise and discernment. Their identities were shrouded in mystery until now, but the wait has undoubtedly been worth it. Without further ado, allow us to introduce:

Jeff Corsi

Jeff Corsi

Steffi Viviana

Steffi Viviana

Ryu Yokoyama

Ryu Yokoyama

Everything You Need To Know

Competition’s categories

Due to popular demand and since we want all of the participants to be able to register in a category in which they feel 100% comfortable, we decided to rethink the categories ! 

One price fits all registration : 15 swiss francs. 


For women who are professionals or semi-pro in the disciplin of longboard dancing/freestyle or any amateur women that wants to compete in this category.


For women who are not professionals or semi-pro, who don’t have sponsors and who want to compete at LOZ OPEN RIDE. 


For any participants who are professionals or semi-pro in the disciplin of longboard dancing/freestyle or any amateur participant that wants to compete in this category.


For any participants who are not professionals or semi-pro, who don’t have sponsors and who want to compete at LOZ OPEN RIDE. 


If you like to smoothly twirl like a bird while riding your favorite longboard, you might be interested in registrating for this category.


You just unlocked the most amazing trick and want to show the world ? You should definitely sign up for the one and only BEST TRICKS.


At LOZ OPEN RIDE 2024, the run durations vary depending on the category.

For the Amateur categories, the Pre-rounds and Semi-finals consist of 1-minute runs. In the Finals, the runs extend to 1 minute 30 seconds.

In the Open categories, all rounds—Pre-rounds, Semi-finals, and Finals—feature 1 minute 30 seconds per run.

For the Best Trick competition, each participant has 2 tries to showcase their best trick. In the G-Turn category, competitors have a maximum of 2 tries to execute the best G-Turn possible.

the spot


LOZ OPEN RIDE 2024 is going to take place in Lausanne – you got it – but more precisely
in the neighborhood of Beaulieu where HALLE 13 is located.

This venue and its distinctive blue ground is around 2800 square meters and is home to 7 associations.
What do they all have in common ? They promote sports that inclued wheels : skates, rollerblades and longboards !


The crew behind this magic


BOARDU is a non-profit association. Our goal is to professionalize the sport of longboard dancing/freestyle while having fun of course!

We currently have around thirty members of various ages and are one of the only two associations (with LGC Switzerland) to represent this discipline in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.

For more info about BOARDU, follow us on Instagram @boardu.ch


Become A Sponsor

You want to support an emerging sport in Switzerland and give the audience the chance to discover it
through an inclusive event that is all about kindness, fun and passion ? It’s never too late !